Celebrate St George's Day in Northampton
St George's Day will be celebrated in Northampton on Sunday, 23rd April between 10am and 2pm, with Northampton Town Council providing a range of activities and entertainment throughout the day, including a performance by traditional Morris dancers.
Celebrations start at 10am with the raising of the St George's flag and a speech by the Mayor of Northampton, Cllr Dennis Meredith, outside the Guildhall on St Giles' Square.
Between 10am and 2pm, crafty kids can create their own dragon out of recycled materials in the Guildhall Courtyard, with help from nature-based workshop company the Wild Tribe, who will be accompanied by an actor telling the story of George and the Dragon. Kids entertainers Zoo Mania will also offer free face painting.
The Rose and Castle Morris Dancers will perform by the Guildhall steps from 11am to 12.30pm, entertaining crowds with centuries-old, traditional routines and there will also be a chance to meet St George and a giant dragon puppet, which will parade through the town centre from outside the Guildhall, to Fish Street and Abington Street.
Councillor Daniel Soan, member of Northampton Town Council's Community Service Committee, said: "As St George's Day celebrates the patron saint of England, we wanted to mark the occasion with an event which will showcase age-old traditions and give people the opportunity to learn more about St George.
"This is the first time we've marked St George's Day as a council, and it's also our first event of many free, family focused events we're organising throughout the year."
Finally, as part of the St George's Day celebrations, visitors can follow the Notable Northamptonians trail, to discover more about remarkable residents who have contributed to Northampton's cultural heritage from the past to the present day. A trail map is available to download on this website or available on the day.
Posted: Thu, 13 Apr 2023